Our Mission
The mission of our Foundation is to give full assistance and protected shelter in emergency situations to victims of human trafficking, exploited through forced sex, labour, begging and committing crimes and to share the love of God.
Our Objectives
The objectives of the Open Door Foundation are:
- implementing and developing and integrative system of protected assistance and services to victims of human trafficking.
- promoting human rights.
- facilitating access to specific services for reintegration offered by diffrent other NGOs or government institutions.
- facilitating access to educational systems and vocational training.
- health education for assisted victims.
- supporting the victim towards gaining full autonomy and reintegration into society.
Activities provided
- residential services in protected shelter.
- psychological,emotional and spiritual counseling.
- assisting the victim for medical consultations and emergency medical situations.
- judicial assistance.
- vocational training.
- family counseling.
- developing home management and activities of daily living.
- Children, women and men – victims of human trafficking, exploited through forced sex, labour, begging and committing crimes.
Duration of program
Our values and principles
The principles and values that govern the professional behavior of our staff and volunteers are the following:
- supremacy of the Constitution and law;
- uniqueness of each human being and equality of all people before God;
- providing services for the patients benefit;
- planning and providing social services based on specific information;
- professionalism and competency of personnel;
- equal treatment to all citizens;
- impartiality and independence;
- moral integrity;
- freedom of speech;
- freedom of thought;
- dignity and uniqueness of human being
- honesty and fairness
- transparency and openness
- confidentiality